[Gwimungwansal] A summary of the meaning, characteristics, and tendencies of the gwimungwansal
[Gwimungwansal] A summary of the meaning, characteristics, and tendencies of the gwimungwansal **What is an ear canal?** First of all, if we analyze the name of Gwimungwansal, it can be interpreted as “gwi (鬼) meaning ghost, gate gate (door), guan (關) meaning relationship, and body to rule (煞). The meaning of "rules the door you go to" is the gwimungwan. In general, there are many cases in which..
2022. 7. 31.
[Myungrihak] Bi-gyeon, Pyeon-in, Pyeon-gwan, Pyeon-jae, Geop-jae, Sang-gwan, Jung-jae, Jung-gwan, Jung-in, Shik-shinn detailed explanation
[Myungrihak] Bi-gyeon, Pyeon-in, Pyeon-gwan, Pyeon-jae, Geop-jae, Sang-gwan, Jung-jae, Jung-gwan, Jung-in, Shik-shinn detailed explanation 1. Bi-Gyeon (1). Chinese Characters side by side, side by side / shoulder shoulder shoulder to shoulder Equal regardless of superiority or inferiority (2). unravel the meaning It means to stand shoulder to shoulder with me, and friends, colleagues, and brothe..
2022. 7. 31.
[식품유형] 한의학적 관점에서 본 뜨거운 음식과 찬 음식
[식품유형] 한의학적 관점에서 본 뜨거운 음식과 찬 음식 [식품유형] 한의학적 관점에서 본 뜨거운 음식과 찬 음식 1. 따뜻한 음식의 종류. (1). 맵고 향긋하고 자극적인 야채: 마늘, 골파, 생강, 파 등 (2). 땅에서 자라는 채소: 감자, 당근, 시금치, 우엉, 호박 등 (3). 과일: 진피(말린 귤 껍질), 대추, 자두, 복숭아, 사과, 살구, 유자, 은행, 호두 등 (4). 곡물: 감자, 수수, 기장, 찹쌀, 검은콩, 현미, (5). 육류: 닭고기, 메추라기, 쇠고기 등 (6). 생선을 포함한 해산물: 말린 황새, 붕어, 장어, 잉어, 황새, 전복, 새우, 해삼 등 (7). 조미료 및 향신료: 고추, 된장, 마늘, 쪽파, 소금, 생강, 참기름, 후추 등 [식품유형] 한의학적 관점에서 본 뜨거운..
2022. 7. 30.
[Tarot Cards] Major 19, Sun Card Meaning Summary
[Tarot Cards] Major 19, Sun Card Meaning Summary 1. Card Meaning Major Arcana No. 19 symbolizes great success and a bright future after a difficult time. This card signifies sure success and has the most positive energy among the 22 major cards, symbolizing happiness and satisfaction. ● Leading keywords: hope, positivity, happiness, innocence, vitality, completion, drive, goal achievement, satis..
2022. 7. 30.