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VIII. 역학 (Epidemiology)/1- 명리학, 사주 (Four Pillars of Destiny)

[Do-Jul] “Did you come by Do-Jul?” the meaning of dojo

by hlee100 2022. 7. 31.

[Do-Jul] “Did you come by Do-Jul?” the meaning of dojo


In the past, while I was talking with someone about my family history and growth,  he said, "Then, did you come by road?" I once asked At the time, I was not familiar with this concept, so I passed on it without thinking. I think the time has come to find out exactly what it means and study it.


When I looked it up, I couldn't find much information on the internet. It is not an explanation of exactly what the meaning of dojul is, but I have summarized it as a reference.


[Do-Jul] “Did you come by Do-Jul?” the meaning of dojo


The do-jul is one step higher than the new-line. That's why he hates the hustle and bustle of lifting and running, and instead grows up gracefully through studying.

Because such a deity is coming down, the process of coming also comes down naturally as we grow up while studying disciples in such a way. Since the types and powers of the deity are all different, the method and process must be different when it comes to the disciple's body.


So, people with a dozul like to learn and always try to make sense. However, we must not forget that this is not because that person is smart and has good understanding (it is not because he is good), but that he is a god who has studied and has a connection with his whole body. Although the do-jul is also a disciple of God in a broader sense, it is clearly different from the shamanic Shin-jul.


A person with a dojo is fascinated by Taoism, Wushu, Guan Yu, mechanics, feng shui, natural laws, etc., studying and cultivating themselves, while not demeaning the other world (a world connected up and down), silently studying their given relationship and work. it is a beautiful thing


