The Korean zodiac culture is a comprehensive form of thinking of the people that harmonizes with the experiences and wisdom of Koreans, and expresses the ideological system of the philosophy of life. All Koreans have a 'belt'. Through the zodiac animal that determines the fate of a person, the guardian animal of the year, I tried to understand the luck of the year and the character, fate, and talent of a person. The 12 zodiac signs are used only in East Asia, where Buddhism has a strong influence, and it is a culture that does not exist in the West. For reference, overseas, the zodiac is mainly called Chinese Zodiac.
Interestingly, in some Asian countries, the animals representing the zodiac are different from those in Korea. Myo (卯) means rabbit in Korea, but in Vietnam and Nepal it means cat, Jin (辰) means dragon in Korea, but eagle in Nepal. The common zodiac signs used by each country are tiger, snake, monkey, horse, dog, and mouse.

1. Rat
The first digit of the zodiac is 'mouse'.
The Year of the Rat is a year of abundance, hope and opportunity. It is said that people born in the Year of the Rat are blessed with good fortune. Although the rat does a lot of harm to our lives, it has an instinct to sense danger in advance, and it appears throughout the oral tradition as a hardworking animal that survives difficult conditions, as a symbol of wealth, fertility, and fertility.
British author Durgal Duckson has stated, "If humankind disappears from the earth, the next protagonists will be mice and rabbits." The character of the Rat is usually straightforward and straightforward. He gets along very easily with others, is hardworking and frugal, but doesn't spare anything for the people he likes. At first glance, the zodiac may seem introverted, but it is not. The Rat is actually an excitable personality, but has great self-control. They are also usually bright, cheerful, and sociable. I also value my friends, colleagues and family.
The Rat is a sensitive person and a strong believer in the value of money. Rat people are very hardworking and thrifty. He is the type of person who works hard in a place that others do not know, and is the best among the 12 for his patience. The Rat is a perfectionist.
The rat is a nocturnal animal that glows at night. It is a very agile, intelligent, and cute animal. It has a noble character, is bright in every case, and has clear calculations and high ideals. Because of his artistic talent, he surpasses the wisdom of others, and he is virtuosic about things, but he has a lot of jealousy and greed and a selfishness to be comfortable with himself. They have a negative side of chatting, blaming, comparing, arguing, and haggling about insignificant issues.
Rat is not the type to express their opinions in a place where many people gather, but when they come up with the same opinion, they tend to jump on board and follow the decision of the crowd. Also, in places where many people gather, he knows how to express his organs well, not his improvisation, and he has a lot of interest in creative and scientific things.

2. Ox
As the saying goes, “Even if you walk slowly, you walk with a bull,” there are many people who are born with a bull and who make persistent efforts and eventually succeed. What the oxen have in common is diligence and sincerity. However, it is not difficult to persuade him because he is stubborn, but he is very stubborn, and he pushes forward at his own pace rather than listening to anyone. So, the phrase 'reading the sutras on small ears' may have been coined. Oxes are the ones who seem sociable yet solitary, and those born to work and die while working are also oxen.
Originally, the Ox boy has the personality of being honest, reliable, quiet, and well-disciplined. Ox are people who are loved by ancestors and carry an ancestor leash, and they will be looked after by their ancestors. Ox boys are generally kind-hearted and listen to others, and they have a stubborn personality, sometimes even with strong prejudices.
On the outside, he looks quiet and naive, but he is determined and logical. His agility is overshadowed by his reticent and introverted appearance. He has a strong introverted temperament, but when given the opportunity, his strong temperament transforms him into an imposing orator. He enjoys a modest and disciplined life and respects order. So, whatever he does, he completes with all his heart and all his heart. He is very naive in matters of affection. He doesn't really understand things like love tactics. It also takes a long time to develop even an intimate relationship.
Ox boys are traditionalists, so Ox men and women try to have a long courtship period. But once married to him, he will never disappoint and serve faithfully for the rest of her life. He is a quiet, patient humanoid who values actions over words, but once he gets angry, he turns into a real terrifying being. In this case, he behaves like a foolish bull, and will attack anyone who gets in his way.
It is true that the Ox boy is generally good-natured and a good listener, but it is very difficult to get him to change his opinion. Because he has a stubborn personality and sometimes even has strong prejudices. He also has the weakness of not being able to control his emotions and making a fuss once he is angry. He is strong against the strong and never bows to the strong, but he shows unexpected sympathy and tears to the weak.

3. Panzhi
Our Korean peninsula, which is mostly made up of mountains, has been called 'the country of tigers' because many tigers live there. A well-developed and balanced body structure, quick movements when moving toward a target even though it moves slowly, and excellent wisdom and dignified dignity, the tiger is a mountain warrior, a mountain spirit, a mountain spirit, and a mountain hero. He was the king of white beasts called (山中英雄). He doesn't bite small things, he bites big things, and he uses it as his kidney to handle big things. As the saying goes, dragons and tigers have the best spirits. To succeed, you have to do big things to create great power rather than putting them under the belt.
The tiger (the tiger) has a lot of vigor, and when there is something that attracts their imagination or attention, it has a habit of jumping all over the body like a butterfly jumping into a bonfire. If he thinks that the task at hand is the path of justice and his duty to live, he is a character who rushes to his/her understanding, and if he puts his mind to it, he will achieve more than 100% success. Even in adversity, when a new challenge is urgently required, he is always ready to take on it.
Panthers usually mature early and are gifted with the ability to lead all people. He is fast and dignified. She can be admired and has a lot of responsibility. Panthers are impulsive and energetic. Panthers, who like to talk non-stop, often act impatiently. This is because tigers have a personality that only believes in strength and rushes at them recklessly. Don't forget that it's easy to fall apart when you're overconfident in your bravery. The impulsiveness and vigor of the tiger is contagious. His energy and love for life stimulates others as well.
However, due to his skeptical nature, he is prone to hesitating or making hasty decisions. He finds it difficult to trust others or to calm his emotions. There is a tendency to rush everything, so doing it quickly can lead to business failure. However, he is as serious, affectionate and generous as he is quick-tempered. He is sympathetic, so he wants to help others without taking care of himself, and he likes to take care of others no matter what difficulties they may face.
All tigers have a humanitarian temperament. He enjoys playing with children and animals, and loves anything that catches his imagination or attention, even for a moment. Tigers, who like to ramble around without a break, usually act impatiently. However, because of his skeptical nature, it is easy to hesitate or make hasty decisions. However, as much as he has a quick temper, he is also serious, friendly, and generous. He also has an amazing sense of humor.
Those who have lost their spirits need genuine sympathy, not just words. Don't be stingy in comforting him. If things change, he will reward you twice.

4. Rabbit
In old stories, nursery rhymes, folk tales, and poems, rabbits are described as small and cute in appearance, as a weak and good animal with a surprised expression, and as a clever animal in their quick movements. In addition, ancient people have dreamed of an ideal world in which they would like to live in a world of peace and abundance like rabbits for millennia and ten thousand years, without any worries, like rabbits, looking at the moon in the night sky and drawing a picture of a rabbit pounding the medicine wheel of immortality under a cassia tree. The rabbit is an emblem of longevity, and the rabbit is the vital essence of the MOON.
Until the new year arrives, the rabbit is a one-way life that always follows the path he has made. So, when winter passes and spring comes when sprouts sprout, in order to open a new path and defend it from other animals, think of a mathematical route with a clear brain and connect the fastest and safest way with one's resting place. One of the clever animals.
The character of the Rabbit is usually kind, gentle, and has an introverted temperament that loves peace. He has a perfection-loving personality that will make him a good scholar, a good lawyer or a politician. However, he also has a personality that is easily depressed. When that happens, he often ignores the people around him and takes an indifferent attitude toward them. Despite his quiet and docile personality, the Rabbit Life is drunk with strong-willedness and almost narcissistic self-confidence. He pursues his goals in a very precise order, and even then he is always humble.
a lot of passion for work He is witty, is at the center of the needs of society, has a gentle and strong spirit, takes the initiative in solving clever matters, and is sharp and clever. On the outside, he is meticulous and tidy, but on the inside, he has a competitive temperament and a desire to win even if he is forced to. Compassionate and intelligent, ambitions are great, but they don't show it easily. It looks gentle on the outside, but the temperament of winning is inherent, and it boasts low-keyness and infinite vitality.
Although the Rabbit may appear indifferent to the opinions of others, the truth is that he is afraid of criticism. Although the Rabbit is gentle and kind to those he loves, he may show a superficial, even ruthless attitude in dealings with outsiders.
On the other hand, a job suitable for one's constitution is an undeserved greed to run hard with enthusiasm and pride. If you expand your business during the swamp of recession (winter and before the New Year) or walk while looking up against the fountain, it will be an instant. things happen in The rabbit is caught in a trap and is left with nothing to do. A person with a rabbit spreads a clear theory to others, but sometimes commits a reckless attempt to bind a story that is far from reality with reality.

5. Dragon Belt
The ultimate goal and hope that the dragon longs for is to break off the clouds and ascend to heaven. Therefore, the ascension of the dragon, which our people have imagined, is being represented as the nation's aspiration and hope. The dragon is an imaginary animal along with the phoenix, giraffe, and turtle as one of the “four dynasties”. However, more than any other animal in existence, the dragon is the best animal with the highest authority. Dragons have all the best weapons that other animals have, and at the same time have infinite coordination abilities. The dragon is the sky among the skies. The dragon must be the leader.
Dragons are large and full of vitality and strength. Self-righteous, self-centered, dogmatic, volatile, demanding, and reckless. Self-respecting, exclusive, and very straight-forward, Dragons establish their will early in life and demand of others just as high standards and perfection as themselves. They also have a strong and determined side, but are not clever or cunning. He adapts easily and dislikes negotiating skillfully.
The dragon is neither stingy nor stingy. He may complain a lot, but he doesn't hesitate to help you out when you're in trouble. The Dragon is an outgoing, nature-loving activist, traveler, and excellent communicator. He has outstanding leadership qualities. He may also insist on marrying or living single as he is young. People born in the Year of the Dragon are said to be healthy, energetic, honest, brave, sensitive, and trustworthy. They are also said to dream of money and dislike flattery.
On the other hand, dragon-borns are said to be irritable, irritable, stubborn, have clear likes and dislikes, and have a rather eccentric temperament. The Dragon is not a bad spender, nor is he a miser. Dragons are very active. When he is convinced that he is right, he fearlessly jumps into dangerous situations. He doesn't hide his feelings. His feelings are candid and direct. He is never agitated, intimidated, or shirking responsibility. The zodiac that harmonizes with the dragon is Jannabi and the Rat, and the zodiac that discords with the dragon is the Dog.

6. Snake
Snakes are animals that hibernate. Because they live on the ground the most, they are close to the ground, and they are cold-blooded animals, and they are afraid because they are poisonous. On the other hand, there is a folk system in which a snake becomes a serpent when it is bigger, and it becomes an Imoogi (Ishimi) when the snake is bigger, and when an Imoogi acquires a female maid or has a certain chance, it is promoted to a dragon. The category of snakes includes gnomes, snakes, and snakes. Also, the fertility of the snake, which lays many eggs and young, is the god of fertility, wealth and good fortune. The snake has the power of birth, healing, wisdom and prophecy , undergo a cultural transformation in the embodiment of persistent vitality and unrequited love.
Serpents have innate wisdom and have a mysterious character from birth. He has a dignified and soft spoken word, he likes good books and food, music and performances, and tends to be drawn to all the cool things in life. Snakes generally rely on their own judgment and tend not to accept the opinions of others. They can be religious, but also completely hedonistic. The snake, who is sophisticated in speaking skills, attire, and manners, does not like to get involved in unnecessary chatter or trivial matters.
He's pretty daring with money, but he's also ruthless when it comes to achieving important goals. Some Serpents are slow and lazy when it comes to speaking, but that doesn't mean they are slow in thinking and acting. It's a way for them to think more deeply and try to present their views accurately. In relationships with others, he is very possessive and demanding. And at the same time he has some distrust of the person he is dating. He never forgives anyone who breaks his promises, and his fears and doubts about dating him make him irritable and even paranoid.
All snakes have a great sense of humor. Snakes have a passionate love affair, but they are also famous for being flirtatious. But this is a misreputation given to them because they are always sensually passionate about what they do. Even in the midst of chaos and difficulties, the snake can maintain a calm mind, so it can have strong power. Serpents accept bad news and bad luck casually. They have a strong sense of responsibility and are constantly pursuing goals.

7. Horse Belt
The image of the horse converges with force and vitality. In terms of appearance, horses give a strong impression because they have fresh vitality, excellent agility, elastic muscles, a slim and firm body, oily hair, keratin horseshoes and rough breathing. The white horse of the Hyukgeosese myth and Cheonmado was recognized as a horse riding by the ancestral god, the highest rank, and in ancient novels, sijos, and folk songs, it is said that the groom, boy, lover, pioneer, longevity, etc. are riding on it.
People born in the Year of the Horse are lively, popular and witty. A horse can only become a famous horse, shine and spread its spirit only when it meets its owner well. Horses can live a wonderful life if they get along well with people. The horse has the power to become the king of the herd. He doesn't have a handsome appearance, but he has a lot of sex appeal. He is substantial, warmly intriguing, very perceptive, and loves to talk. His changeable temper is sometimes shown by his fiery temper and impatience or stubbornness.
Horses, who are difficult to predict, fall in love easily and lose their temper easily. Confident, lively, energetic, impulsive, and sometimes even frivolous, the horse zodiac likes to dress up stylishly, especially in bright colors and unusual outfits, so sometimes it looks too flashy. The Horseman solves difficult problems by generating great progressive ideas and devising new and energetic approaches.
On the negative side, the Horse is impulsive and stubborn. And he gets angry like fire, and he himself quickly forgets the outburst of emotion. Often this personality is the cause of a loss of respect or trust. Often forgetful, ignorant, and prone to jumping to conclusions. The horse zodiac does not keep a regular time. Also, he doesn't stick to anything but the plans he makes, so he's often unsuitable as a standard executor.

8. Sheep
Yang (羊), a hieroglyphic character, leads to deliciousness (味), beauty (beauty), auspiciousness (祥), goodness (善), and goodness. In other words, the two letters “大羊” are attached to a large sheep to become beautiful, meaning beautiful, and the good point of Naa (羊) becomes right (righteousness). Our ancestors recognized the sheep as an animal symbolizing goodness, righteousness, and beauty from these habits and characteristics.
The sheep is also a symbol of honesty and justice. Sheep have a hard-nosed honesty that always returns to the way they came. Sheep are honest and sincere, easily shed tears at sad stories, and even shy away from their gentle demeanor. His strengths are that he is an artistic, sociable and creative person. On the other hand, his shortcomings are that he is easily overwhelmed by his emotions, tends to be skeptical and hesitant.
Sheep are gentle and compassionate. You can easily forgive and understand the faults of others. She dislikes strict discipline and cannot tolerate overtraining and criticism. A lover of children and animals, he is close to nature, is generally homely, is well drawn to a variety of moods, and is not good at work under coercion. He is also not in a hurry with time and money. The zodiac sign has a personality like a child. He always finds his mother's arms and his favorite food. He never forgets special occasions such as birthdays and anniversaries. And the sheep of the sheep are basically afraid.
He is prone to pessimism and often anticipates the worst. Another drawback of the sheep is that they cannot lie about anything about them. The sheep tend to follow rather than make decisions, and complain when things don't go right. Nevertheless, people truly love him. Because he has a good heart and is kind, sharing whatever he has. Also, as a sheep, he hates intentionally offending those he likes. So he is accused of failing to take a clear stand by leaving him to do nothing to avoid conflict.

9. Monkey
First of all, the general appearance of monkeys reflected in our people is told in oral tradition as a clever, dexterous, and mischievous mischief. In ceramics and paintings, it is often expressed as a symbol of longevity, emphasizing maternal love, assisting a monk, and holding a nectarine peach.
Jannabiti is a creator, improvisational, motivator and motivator of others. That is, he has the ability to attract everyone with his inimitable cunning and charm. Jannabi is a quick-witted person, so he is smart, flexible and innovative. He can solve complex problems easily and learns very quickly.
From a negative point of view, Jannabiti has an innate sense of superiority. He doesn't know how to respect others. He is extremely selfish, egocentric, and narcissistic. He also gets jealous whenever someone gets a promotion or gets something he doesn't have. Jannabiti's bravery in the pursuit of money, success and power is unparalleled. One of the unchanging qualities of Jannabiti's diverse personalities is self-confidence. No matter how shy and docile he may appear, on the inside he is always full of confidence.
Jannabiti is intelligent and has an amazing memory. His genius is fueled by tireless curiosity. In addition to being clever and talented, Jannabiti has a practical side. He saves even a penny and never wastes time on adventures.
A monkey with both wisdom and dexterity; the progenitor of plays with excellent improvisational expressions according to need, such as pretending to be sick, pretending to be sad, pretending to be dead, etc.; Through the cultural window, an ecological model was made into a folklore model, and a belt culture was created that linked it back to the fate of people.
For example, there is a myth that Jannabiti is in the spotlight as a mathematical engineering professional who makes good use of the natural materials of number game and wisdom. Although monkeys are not actually animals in Korea, they appear in various folklore and traditional artworks. These monkeys were more aware of their shape, behavior, and ecology than animals that exist in Korea.

10. Rooster
The rooster, which heralds the dawn in the dark, has been regarded as auspicious and possessing magical powers. The roaring sound of a rooster signaling the dawn! It was accepted as a prelude that symbolized the beginning of an era. The traditional belief that chickens have the main force is probably due to the main force that wakes up. The rooster heralds the arrival of the light that announces the dawn by crying. The rooster is the bird of the sun because it heralds the dawn and the coming of light.
A rooster's crowing acts as a time signal, and it also has the ability to foresight to foretell what is to come. It has been believed that if a long chicken beats its whistle three or more times and wags its tail, the wild beasts that came down from the mountain will return and hide the appearance of evil spirits.
Roosters have many exceptional qualities to triumph over. He is sharp, tidy, precise, systematic, decisive, upright, agile and honest. Very critical of savagery. He likes to argue and debate while showing off his knowledge and cleverness. He sometimes does not consider the feelings of others and, conversely, is intolerant when his self-esteem is shaken.
On the negative side, Roosters are egocentric, stubborn, and only pursue their own interests. He thinks he is absolutely right. He does everything he can to show the superior views that he has acquired of his own accord. It is taking this action as a way to constantly be sure of one's own worth.

11. Dog
Dogs are honest, intelligent and consistent. He is loyal and has a strong passion for justice and fairness. Dogs are lively and attractive, demonstrating strong sexual attraction. Dogs are kidneys among kidneys. In general, gentle and not ostentatious people get along well with others because they don't demand too much from others. Dogs with egalitarianism know how to compromise with others, listen to others' reasons, and have a sense of responsibility to fulfill their roles.
Dogs, whether they admit it or not, have an instinctive desire to classify people into fixed categories. To him, you are either a friend or an enemy, and a good person or a bad person. He is generous toward his friends, but critical and cold-hearted towards those he dislikes.
The Dog is a natural pessimist, even when he looks bright and cheerful. He tends to worry unnecessarily and takes care of all matters. He is stubborn and never bends when he is right. It is very difficult to influence unbiased Dogs to change their minds once they have made up their minds. The zodiac that harmonizes with the dog is the tiger and horse, and the discordant zodiac is the dragon.
Dogs are the most common animals we see around us and have the most intimate and close relationship with humans. Dogs are gentle and intelligent and follow people well, and dogs have a keen sense of smell and hearing and are very wary. He also shows great bravery within his range of power. They are especially loyal to their owners, and are hostile and wary of other strangers. A dog that has been living together for a very long time is a symbol of loyalty and devotion to humans, regardless of whether they are brothers or sisters. In particular, opinions appearing in folktales are friendly and sacrificial with loyalty and loyalty.

12. Pig
What comes to mind when you hear the word 'pig'? There is a proverb, 'a pearl necklace on the neck of a pig', and there are people who are often referred to as 'fat pigs' when they see fat people, and there are people who have the cute nickname 'flower pig'. Not only that, pigs are the last animal of the zodiac, and there is a saying that 'pork should be eaten with salted shrimp'.
In folklore, the notion that pigs are a source of wealth or good fortune, and the guardian deity of the family is reinforced. The dream of a pig is interpreted as a lucid dream, the generals open their doors on New Year's Day, Shanghai, and the custom of hanging a picture of a pig like a talisman are all derived from this notion. Contrary to this positive image, pigs are considered greedy, dirty, lazy and stupid animals. In fairy tales, pigs appear as monsters in the greedy underworld. There are many examples of proverbs comparing the greedy nature of pigs: greed, filthiness, a pig's voice, foolishness, and laziness. This negative notion progresses to a religious taboo in Jews and Muslims, and in the Bible, as a symbol of demonic intentions and temptation.
Pigs are honest, straightforward, simple, and very strong. People born in this year are strong and courageous, devoted to the task with all their might. So it definitely gets the job done. Pigs are reluctant to arouse anger and aggravate the situation in a confrontational state, and usually bury the past as the past. Generous pigs always move carefully and build excellent trusting relationships with others. But it is also famous for its free-spirited pursuit of pleasure. When his negative traits are revealed, he even commits a delinquency.
A faithful and thoughtful Pig's greatest wealth is reliability and integrity. Sometimes he is overly aegyo and humble, and wants others to see his weaknesses with tolerance. Due to their hesitant nature, pigs rarely have scammers or thieves. He is very uncomfortable with undue gain and suffers from severe guilt for even the slightest mistake. His major flaw is that he is unable to say “no” to himself or to his family or friends firmly. In most cases, a favor is given by yielding. Although the Pig is a smart and learned man, he lacks depth. Accepting things as superficial values and trying to live a peaceful life, they do not hide the misunderstandings they have with those around them, but rather solve them.
So far, we have learned about the characteristics of the zodiac.
If you work hard on your own to grow and live beneficially for others, you can change your innate stamina with the belt.