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VIII. 역학 (Epidemiology)/3- 타로카드 (Tarot Card)

[Tarot Card] Major 14, Temperance Card Meaning Summary

by hlee100 2022. 7. 30.

[Tarot Card] Major 14, Temperance Card Meaning Summary


[Tarot Card] Major 14, Temperance Card Meaning Summary



1. <Temperance> Card Meaning


Major Arcana No. 14 <Temperance> means balance and harmony that is not biased to one side. Temperance is a card derived from the Latin word meaning 'to mix' or 'to combine'. The figure of the Archangel Michael, who skillfully handles two cups of water, is portrayed as balancing two different things.

Leading keywords: moderation, harmony, receptiveness, understanding, balanced, transcendental, union, recovery, temperature control, relationship, socializing, reciprocity, relationship, compromise, mediation


[Tarot Card] Major 14, Temperance Card Meaning Summary


2. Meaning of 14

14 - Progress, change, growth, duality, integration, the beginning of conflict The

number 14 of the Major Arcana No. 14 <Temperance> card means 1+4 = 5, the number 5, meaning progress, change, growth, duality, integration away from stability. , means the beginning of a conflict. It means mixing and balancing different things to keep them flowing.

The figure depicted on the Major Arcana No. 14 <Temperance> card is composed of contents containing the symbol of harmonizing by mixing things of different qualities as a whole. The first thing that stands out is the angel with red wings, which symbolizes the Archangel Michael. An angel, a divine and transcendent being, stands with one foot immersed in water (spirit) and the other foot on the ground (material).


And with eyes closed, it is depicted mixing water from a cup in both hands. It is not biased toward one side and does not belong to either side, but it is a balance and harmony of the opposites. Mixing things of different properties means that in the process chemical reactions take place and sometimes new things are formed. It is also important to adjust the mixing level to make it suitable, just as in dramas and movies, if you mix it incorrectly while researching, it may explode. Just as it is important to mix properly, the importance of human relationships is to interact with people who are completely different from yourself, feel various emotions, gain new realizations, have conversations, compromise, and move toward common goals and interests through such a process. It is a card containing


[Tarot Card] Major 14, Temperance Card Meaning Summary

The archangel is standing upright, wearing a white robe, signifying purity, and carefully mixing two cups of water. It seems as if she quietly closes her eyes and concentrates only on the task. The fact that it is an angel, not a human being, who does such work makes us feel once again that the task is a difficult task with a sacred and heavy responsibility. If you put too much water in one cup, it will overflow. Avoid extremes by carefully flushing back the amount that is flowing in. The water flowing between the two cups does not fall to one side, but magically flows through each other at an angle that cannot exist in real life, connecting the cups.

It is easy to think of the dullness of persevering, restraining, and persevering with unconditional urges as if by simply tightening a belt, but the Tarot cards show a flexible and flexible method of temperance through this card. If something is too much, remove it and fill in the missing part. I try to achieve the goal I want to pursue, but I don't overdo things that I can't do, I don't pay attention to what I don't need, and I keep an appropriate pace. Thus, it is possible to maintain a calm state without being shaken by external changes. It's like a marathon. Adjust the inhalation and exhalation according to your condition, and proceed steadily without being too fast or too slow.

The same is true in human relationships. For common goals and interests, communication is necessary between people just like water circulates. Instead of pushing only my thoughts, I find the right line to find the balance of power. We exchange, talk, compromise, and give as much as we give to the other side. Standing water rots, but flowing water naturally purifies over time, so we are willing to understand and accept each other, resolve conflicts, heal wounds, and show hope and possibility to everyone.



[Tarot Card] Major 14, Temperance Card Meaning Summary


3. <Temperance> Card Interpretation

(One). Affection

refers to a stable and comfortable state, such as a relationship in which love is given and received in harmony, an equal and friend-like couple (couple), a period when friendship gradually turns into romantic feelings, and a love that grows naturally and slowly. Do not take for granted the love you receive from your lover just because you are comfortable, but express your love as much as you receive. I think it has something to do with a relationship from afar (international marriage). When the opponent receives this card, he does not like conflict with other people, he is a good person, and often thinks of marrying the client. However, it takes too much time to make up your mind and can be exhausting. Due to his character, who is not very emotionally swayed, he may seem like a person who is not interested in dating or the circumstances around him. It depends on the situation, but being too kind can be poison, and being too indifferent can be poison. When you feel that you are being hurt by your loved one, think again if you are hurting yourself by unilaterally expecting things that you cannot expect from the other person. The way to resolve misunderstandings that arise because we don't know each other as well as we have spent in each other's lives is a natural conversation. Don't be too impatient, and start to understand each other little by little as if learning each other's language naturally.


(2). In the sense of the money restraint

card, it means that you manage your money well and that you are stable with moderate consumption, but in the case of a card of advice, it is better to proceed with your business calmly rather than with reckless enthusiasm, tidying up unnecessary things, and not rushing, but carefully taking a step. It means good. It's more efficient to keep doing what I'm good at, rather than starting a new job. I organize what I can and cannot do so I don't overdo it. It's called overpayment. Excessive is not good. Think that you could end up doing nothing rather than overdoing it.



[Tarot Card] Major 14, Temperance Card Meaning Summary



It's time to think again about the purpose of success that I want to achieve . It is better to take a short break for a while for the harmony of my family and precious friendship rather than going fast and far. Take care of the people around you, have a pleasant meeting, and share a comfortable conversation with your heart. It will be an opportunity to improve the quality of life. When doing something, listen carefully to the opinions of others and make a decision, but if you have something to make concessions to, do it with joy. If it helps everyone, it will give me good energy too. But good things should not be overdone! Anything in moderation is good.


(4). Health luck seems

to be related to circulatory disease, hormone-related, cold hands, feet, back pain, back pain, and bladder pain.



(5). Occupational Fortune

management, manager, dealer, fund manager, asset manager, insurance business, distribution business, flower-related, network-related business, airport job, flight attendant, pilot, guide, etc.

