Universal Weight] Summary of Major Cards
0. Fool
To interpret tarot cards well, you need to know the images and symbols of each tarot card well to interpret tarot cards well. And you need to know the number of numbers written on each tarot card. First of all, before looking at tarot cards, I would like to say that you should have a positive perspective. Only then can people gain strength through interpretation of tarot cards.
People who think negatively that the IMF can't work because of the mortgage loan of the United States and that it can't be done because of their parents and spouse cannot do anything, and they can't do anything and live in negative energy every day with complaints and dissatisfaction. People who come because of their worries are more desperate. However, successful people go on the road
to success by carefully preparing and planning even in the IMF situation and mortgage loan situation . It is the basic attitude of a counselor to get out of negative thoughts and come out into a positive world. Tarot card number 0, 'The Fool', is the owner of a free spirit. The 22 cards of the tarot are the process of the journey of this 'fool', so I put the number 0 symbolizing 'nothing' before the start. He looks naive and foolish and never lacks. He gets the aid of the sun. The representative of this fool is
A person like Cardinal Suhwan Kim. His naivety and confidence in his life solves all the difficulties he faced. Innocence and complete trust in others are likely to get others to take advantage of him, but even evil people can open up to him and treat him with goodness. This is the true meaning of always interpreting your
partner's intentions for the best. A shabby but colorfully dressed man stands on a cliff. He is standing on a cliff, but his expression is not at all afraid, but rather happy. In addition, the sun is only half rising, which seems to indicate his bright future. As if he's nervous, he sees a white puppy running towards him next to him. When this card appears, there is freedom and passion in a positive sense . No greed. Comfortable. There is romance. I am not alone. I am with someone who can give me advice and awareness. I feel good. I have a free relationship. He is a creative person. (Artist, designer) There is enough material to not be disappointed. The possibilities are endless. You can create something out of nothing. You can express gratitude, love and respect.
Mountains can be lonely and difficult, and dogs tell us that they have companions, companions, and followers to follow and follow. On the other hand, what needs to be improved is immature, unrealistic and irresponsible.

1. Wizard Card
The keyword for the wizard card is creativity when the card is face up. originality. imagination. self-reliance. spontaneity. Confidence. dexterity. flexibility. professionalism. continence. Trickery. It has the meaning of poor dexterity. Let's talk about this card.
The main character of this card is a wizard. He is a precious man who radiates light from his body, a young man in a white dress and a red cloak. If you see that he has an infinity mark on his head, you can tell that he uses his hair very well. If you see that your belt is a snake, you can be wise or cunning. On his table are the four suits that make up the Minor Arcana (cards).
Pentacles (a ball with stars), a cup (the Holy Grail), a stick (a wooden staff), and a sword. And holding a white candle in his right hand, he is pointing towards the sky and with his left hand at the ground. Let's interpret these approximate symbols in relation to keywords. Nobility, confidence, professionalism, and passion can be associated with the fact that he is a young man with a light coming out of his body and wearing a red cloak . The infinity sign that adorns the head evokes imagination, ingenuity and creativity. In addition, the four tools placed on the table are tools used by wizards to perform rituals, and you can see that they have creativity, trickery, and dexterity. The magic wand can be seen as a symbol of flexibility, ingenuity, etc. And you can know other keywords from the specificity of the profession of a wizard. It doesn't matter if you use magic well, but if you use it badly, it can bring ruin and have a big impact on the surroundings.
A strong force can easily destroy or shake a person's will. If you think it is easy, it is easy, if you think it is difficult, it is difficult.
2 . Priestess card
The main character of this card is a female high priest. A woman in white and blue is sitting between a black pillar with the letter B on it and a white pillar with the letter J in her hand, holding a scroll with the word TORA in her hand, and a crescent moon at her feet. have. Behind the two pillars lies a river, and in front of it is a tent with pomegranate embroidery. Let's interpret these approximate symbols in relation to keywords.
If you look at the clothes she is wearing, she is a precious person, and she is holding a scroll that reads TORA, or the Bible, so she has authority from this law. Looking at this, you can see that she is an intelligent man and she does her job perfectly. When you look at her sedentary figure, you can associate her with a calm, docile, quiet personality, a neutral person, unassuming, frugal, and strong-willed.
Also, he has a neat personality, he does hard work steadfastly, and it is suitable for counseling and other roles. He is at least in a certain position and has a strong sense of duty and responsibility. If you look at the pomegranate in the tarot card, you can imagine that there is a possibility of pregnancy and that you are in a supreme love.
Learning anything for the first time is difficult. However, there will come a time when it becomes more familiar and unfamiliar to the eye through repetition and experience, and then you will come to understand its meaning clearly. So just keep going until you get it. To do this, first read one or two images a day and write in a journal of tarot cards to think carefully about the symbols and messages of the cards.
Image reading is looking at the picture on the card and inferring the meaning of the symbol in it. It will be much better than memorizing the manual and interpreting it. To interpret tarot card empress number 3 well, look carefully at the images and symbols of the crown, nature, and water in the picture on the tarot card. You need to feel and understand this well in order to interpret the Tarot cards well.

3. Queen Card
The Queen sits on a chair with a soft red cushion , wearing a white robe embroidered with a pomegranate, which looks generous and comfortable, a woman wearing a pearl necklace and a laurel wreath with stars in her hand, holding a yellow baton in one hand. As she is looking at her, she is able to do what she wants to do, and has the right to make decisions. (CEO level)
Ripe yellow rice is around her, and green forest and clear water flow behind her. He has honor, and of course wealthy and generous. The chair in which she sits comfortably has a symbol of Venus, which makes it possible to envelop others. The queen is a symbol of feminine wisdom and maternal love, and she has a tolerance for people. She is a stable, beautiful and attractive woman. Religious It means the Trinity and forms harmony with the universe.
This card alludes to feminine wisdom and maternal love, and there is tolerance for people. She likes to connect with people, is followed by a lot of people, and has a clear personality.If she starts or does something, she will bear good results. She is welcomed and relaxed wherever she goes , living in an affluent family environment and showing the image of a generous and caring mother.
The number 3 is the harmony of the Trinity, heaven, earth, and man, and it means growth and expansion. What needs to be improved is to live a life of giving to others.
*Earth - the economic wealth of the family, reality, abundance *Yellow - wealth, honor, and splendor *Venus - beauty and woman
To understand the image and symbol of the emperor card after the Empress No. 3 Tarot Card, it is necessary to take a good look at the Emperor Tarot Card picture. Throne, facial expression, color... And if you know the number 4 written on the tarot cards, you will get better at interpreting the tarot cards. Then, if you look closely at the picture on the 4th tarot card, a man in blue armor and a red cloak appears on a hard seat. You can tell that he has a strong drive and is always ready for anything he does. He has charisma, and there is something that other people can't take lightly.
He came here with a dignified personality, and he knows exactly what he has to do. He has a long white beard and long hair, a golden crown on his head and a golden baton in his hands. He has great power and is a cold-hearted leader. Behind him is a mountain of golden color, he has wealth and honor, he values face, he is setting sunset.
The number 4 means stability, and it symbolizes water, fire, earth, and wind, and is the basic four elements that make up the material of the world. The king needs to let go of his stubbornness and be considerate and humane to others.
Tarot Card Illustration Symbolic
Armor - Always ready to work.
Beard - seasonedAnchor cross - authority, power and preciousness
Symbol of authority and masculinity 04. Following THE EMPEROR 05. THE HIEROPHANT Tarot cards teach and advise many people and want to be respected. Emperor Tarot Cards are closely related to
Pope Tarot Cards. Let's take a look at the images and symbols of Pope Tarot Cards.
5. Pope Card
The pope, dressed in red, has a golden wand in one hand and three fingers in the other, so he has a strong sense of trust, leadership, and gentle charisma. He wears a three-tiered golden crown on his head, indicating that he is a noble and noble man in the position of a spiritual leader. Two golden keys are stacked on the red carpet under his feet, and two gray columns stand behind him. .
Two people, each dressed in embroidered roses and lilies, are looking at him, and his followers follow him, listen carefully to the concerns of others, find answers, and be honest, courteous, idealistic, compassionate and kind. The Pope means 'the power to complete the unfinished state' and symbolizes the highest intelligence and compassion in the human world.
Even if a difficult situation arises, it can be resolved from time to time. He is a moral person and has his own subjectivity and thoughts clearly. The number 5 stands for perfection. It also represents a great source of energy, as evidenced by the stars that make up the pentagram. So its power symbolizes justice and shines in the sky. The Pope needs to get out of his box and solve problems with realistic ideas
, bound by his theory or logic . Tarot card symbolism *Pope's triple cross - Trinity, one who obeys the will of heaven, religious life *Key - Solver, counselor, solution to problems *Rose - Passion
*Lily - Gratitude and respect * Suitable occupation - Teacher, person who connects people

06. THE LOVERS Tarot Card
Symbol of advice and teaching 05. Tarot Card Following THE HIEROPHANT, 06. THE LOVERS Tarot Card follows. THE HIER OPHANT, who wants to be respected, loves people, including lovers. And about the number 5 on the tarot cards, if you look carefully at the pictures of the tarot cards and read the meaning and symbolism, you will get better at interpreting the tarot cards.
A man and a woman stand naked. The two met by fate, and are honest lovers, a beautiful and peaceful relationship. It is a harmonious union of yin and yang, showing the union of a man and woman in love, and talking about love. It is love that transcends reason and shares pure love without conditions.
Behind the woman stands a peach tree, surrounded by a green snake. Behind the man stands a tree with burning flames. They are like-minded partners or lovers, and they share a burning love. You can see that an angel in a purple robe with burning hair appears above them and blesses them , so you can tell that they are being protected and blessed by someone called noble. A great sun is floating above the angel.
Love requires patience and perseverance because it takes long trials to complete.
tarot card figure symbolism
*Peach - popular with the opposite sex
*Angel - A nobleman helps or I help others
*Purple - mystical, creative, mentally difficult possibility
*Fire - Passion
07. THE CHARIOT Tarot Card
Tarot Card of Love Following 06. THE LOVERS, 07. THECHARIOT Tarot Card Guide. The Lovers (THE LOVERS) It is good to form a good relationship with the love of the tarot card, take a car (tank) to work, and win strategically and responsibly. Let's take a look at the images and symbols of the chariot tarot card.
Know the meaning of the number 6 on the tarot cards. Look at the pictures of the tarot cards and read the meaning and symbolism carefully to make a good interpretation of the tarot cards. THE CHARIOT Universal Weight Tarot Card Meaning Interpretation A well-dressed man stands proudly on a black and white chariot driven by a sphinx. A wealthy, affluent and imposing figure in a certain social position. is a man He is always ready, tense, drive and leadership, and defends himself well. He can do two things at once, he has a strong sense of responsibility, he has good strategy and is good at running the organization.
He wears a laurel wreath with a single star on his head, and holds a baton in his hand. Gorgeous, attractive, and stylish. He has a strong sense of responsibility and is well strategized and well organized. He manages traffic well even when he collides with people, and he is energetic and full of energy. Behind him is a large castle that he guards, indicating that he has a wealthy family background. The number 7 stands for luck, courage and freedom without patterns. This card is well-prepared, so you need to be proactive rather than indecisive.
Tarot Card Picture Symbolism
* The crown means noble and powerful.
*Tank- A lot is related to cars *The front wing of the tank-It is good if it is a police officer or a soldier
*The top under the wing-Motivation is necessary as if you were sieving it to keep spinning

08. STRENGTH Tarot Card
Tarot cards of victory and strategy 07. THE CHARIOT followed by 08. STRENGTH Tarot cards. The victory and strategy of THE CHARIOT tarot comes from coaching of will and belief and inner strength. 08. STRENGTH Tarot cards that even lions can handle. Know the meaning of the number 7 on the tarot cards, look at the card pictures, and read the meaning and symbolism carefully to make a good interpretation of the tarot cards. A woman in her white robe, with a garland of roses and a belt made of roses, caresses her nose and chin like a dog caressing a ferocious lion. She is gentle and obedient, but she is a very strong person on the inside, she solves difficult tasks well, is patient and talented.
A Mobius strip is floating above her head. With her head, not helplessness, she treats those who are above her or stronger with infinite tenderness and wisdom. Her self-discipline is clear and she never yields to difficult tasks or situations.. The ferocious lion (dragon, wolf) does not resist her touch as if it had become a gentle sheep, and even lowered her tail to under her legs. She pioneers without compromising with reality, she has the power to control, and this is her true power. 8 is 4+4, which means that there are two stability points, which means grasping reality.
tarot card figure symbolism
*Lion is CEO, patient, hot-blooded person, etc. *Occupation I like working with people such as nurse, counselor, coach, counselor.
09. THE HERMIT Tarot Card
Tarot cards of will and belief 08. STRENTH followed by 09. THE HERMIT Tarot cards. If the STRENTH tarot card speaks of soft charisma, will, and belief, then 09. What does THE HERMIT tarot card mean?
A white-bearded grandfather with a gray robe over his head is standing on a white snowy mountain with a star or lantern in one hand and a long stick in the other. He's quiet, calm, professional, knowledgeable, thoughtful, calm, humble, noble and classy. He closes his eyes as if he is thinking about where he should go now. He is clean, innocent and tidy, he has a lot of knowledge and experience, and he has something special and mysterious that cannot be expressed in words. Also, the number 9 means the previous stage of the number 10 of completion. The hermit likes to be alone and feels lonely, so he has to tolerate it.
Tarot Card Picture Symbolism
* Beard - Knows the depth of life. I had a lot of experience.
* Staff - Knowledge* Gray - Medium position (Monks clothes are gray)
* Snow Mountain - very clean. there's nothing.
Tarot Cards of Wisdom 09. The Hermit followed by 10. WHEEL OF FORTUNE Tarot Cards. 10 times. The Wheel of Destiny Tarot Card is a familiar tarot card that has appeared in many dramas and movies.
A red devil (Janubis) is supporting a red wheel, a snake sits beside it, and a sphinx with a blue sword sits on the wheel. It means that you have a lot of talent, talent, and interests, such as drive, sensitivity, willpower, intuition, and a realistic sense of humor .
Once you start a job, you want to see the end, and you're looking for an experienced, eventful, fun love. The cart wheel spins round and round. No one knows what force is causing it to spin. But the wheel will stop at some point and come to a conclusion. It may be good or bad luck, but you have to accept your own fate. There is a need to ride.
Then you come across a very important opportunity. Kind, gentle, staunch and determined. You should try to go one step further rather than settle for now. You can succeed even with temptation. He has his own subjectivity, point of view, and outlook on life, and has the opportunity to travel or go abroad. He has a rich sense of humor and has the charm of leading the atmosphere in a fun way.The number 10 means completion. The things to improve are distracting and complex, so if you choose and focus, you will definitely achieve your dreams.
Tarot Card Illustration Symbolism
* Sword - Determination
* Sphinx - Mysticism (Enigma)
* Eagle (Scorpio) - intuition and insight
* Man (Aquarius) - mental part* Lion (Leo) - drive, action
* Taurus (Taurus) - Willpower

11. THE JUSTICE Tarot Card
Transformation Tarot Card 10. WHEEL OF FORTUNE, followed by 11. JUSTICE Tarot Card. 10. If the Wheel of Destiny Tarot Cards speak of the unknown and strong power of fate, a just and balanced 11. What kind of story will JUSTICE tell us?
A man in a red suit with a green cloak and a crown holding a sword in one hand and a scale in the other is sitting with a determined expression on his face. He has a very determined expression. A purple cloth is wrapped around the two pillars behind him. Justice cards with swords and scales are fair, balanced, just and modest. They have the wisdom and clear brain of King Solomon, and are excellent at judging situations. They value order, be polite and respectful.
He has wealth and fame, is rational, and has a sound mind. He has strong beliefs and beliefs in himself and handles things meticulously. Justice cards need to be flexible and human.
Tarot Card Illustration Symbolism
* Sword - Determination, Reason, Analysis
*Purple - weight, confidence
*Green Cloak - Reasonable.
* This card appears a lot when you are at a crossroads or when you are in a legal problem (ex: whether to fire this person or not, etc.)
12. THE HANGED MAN Tarot Card
A sword-like balance tarot card 11. Justice (JUSTICE) Following the sacrificial and bouncing 12. THE HANGED MAN tarot, it's time to listen to the story. A man in red tights, blue clothes and yellow shoes is hanging upside down with one foot tied to a tree. He hangs upside down and sees from a different perspective, so he has the power to see, judge, and think differently from others .
This person is a person who thinks everything is the other way around. (Conversion of thinking, someone who says Yes to himself when others say No) He is an ingenious, energetic and practical person. He has a fun, quirky temperament and likes new challenges. . The tree on which he hangs has green leaves and a halo shines through his head. He is patient and patient to get what he wants and knows how to wait for the right time. Have a healthy love (sacrifice for others)
. His expression looks relaxed for a hanging one. A sage who overcomes adversity with an indomitable will. What you need to improve is don't waste your time, stop flirting and be humble. Tarot Card Picture Symbolism * Suitable occupations - A planning office where you can work with a clever idea, and a first in the art world are suitable. ah! In the old days, there was a punishment for hanging a criminal from a tree.
If you look at it that way, the fact that the criminal will have time to reflect on his actions once again and patience to wait for his punishment to end while hanging is a good match for the lesson from this card.
Thirteenth Death (DEATH) Tarot Card
Tarot Card of Sacrifice and Perseverance 12. The HANGED MAN is followed by the 13th Tarot Card of DEATH. Thirteenth death (DEATH) The meaning of the ending and beginning of the Tarot card is not physical death, but the breaking of the frame of thought. Let's try to interpret the 13th DEATH tarot with the sun rising behind it.
Know the meaning of the number 13 on the tarot cards, look at the card pictures, and read the meaning and symbolism to make a good interpretation of the tarot cards. A white-haired man in black armor is riding a white horse with a flag painted with white flowers on a black background. The white-bone knight represents the reaper of death. This is not physical death, but the old frame of thought he had, It means breaking out of the form of a habit.
So, it means the end and the new beginning, the life that transcends death, the beginning of a new flow, the appreciation and the sincerity (life and death), and the end of the bad and the beginning of the good. This means certainty. The king is dead under the white horse, a child in a red flower wreath and the bishop are welcoming him, and a woman in a white robe with a wreath is fainting. After that, the dawn will shine.
Tendency - Rather than being fixed, it is constantly changing. Looking for something new. When a stereotype dies, it is purified and something new is born. The universe is circulating. As the seasons turn... Now that you hit the bottom, you think that there is only one thing left to climb, and if you overcome the current difficulties, a good day will surely come. If you think seriously and put it into action, the era of success will come.
Symbolism of Tarot Card Picture
* Baekgol - The essence does not change, only the appearance changes.
* Suitable occupations - doctor, funeral director, judge, religious person
* 13 - Holy water (God's number)
* Flag - Closing

14. TEMPERANCE Tarot Card
Following the 13th death (DEATH), the ending and beginning tarot cards, the 14. TEMPERANCE tarot cards follow. The meaning of prudence and balance in the TEMPERANCE tarot card is to control reality and ideals, consciousness and unconsciousness. Know the meaning of the number 14 on the tarot cards, look at the card pictures, and read the meaning and symbolism carefully to make a good interpretation of the tarot cards.
An angel with red wings in a white robe is pouring water with two glasses in both hands, which tells us that pouring water must be done carefully and slowly, so it takes time and requires patience and discipline. There is a pool of water around the angel, and daffodils are spread next to it. The angel means that the nobleman will appear soon. Follow the rules and empty your mind while meditating. The angel stands with one foot on the ground and one foot in a puddle of water, so be flexible and purify your mind.
A halo is shining over this angel's head, and if you follow the road in the distance, a crown is floating. Then you can do a second flight (more emphatic flight box). Instead of being led by your desires, you have to go beyond the pain of reality and go to the door of truth. You will be able to realize the meaning of the universe at the end of that difficulty.It takes time, but through self-control, desire control, and effort, you grow and transform into a bigger world.
Symbolism of Tarot Cards
*Water - Flexibility, Order
*Daffodils - purifying, pure
* Angel - God's messenger
Following the TEMPERANCE tarot card that pursues balance and prudence, THE DEVIL tarot card appears. When desire rises, greed and bondage arise. Take a look at THE DEVIL tarot card. Just looking at the things in the picture of the tarot cards will help you interpret your fortune.
A demon with a human body, legs and horns that belong to a goat, holds a torch down in his left hand and stretches his right hand upwards. This means strength, power and charisma. The eyes are unusual. You can do whatever you want to your heart's content, have charm, loyalty, drive, and a tough, cool and honest personality.
He has a very good brain, and he likes looks. He has good intuition and concentrates on what he wants to do. A man and a woman with little white horns on her bare red head are tied around her neck with her chains ~ The devil has bat wings and long horns, and five stars are upside down on her forehead. A bunch of grapes on a woman's tail and a flame on a man's tail, indicating that she is a prisoner of lust and lust.
The devil has a strong power to paralyze and poison human reason by enlarging human desires. If you can't get rid of that power, you become a slave, but it's up to you to choose and will to get out of this desire.If you let go of selfish greed, overcome the burning desire of obsession, and push the life you want with passion, good results will come. He does not choose any means or methods for his own success. So sometimes there is a tendency to crush it with fists or force. Also, the devil is a symbol of reform and has good energy for new change. Bar signs are always replaced with the latest flashy LED signs.
Tarot Card Picture Symbolism
* Fire Passion * Grape Fertility
* Comparing this card to a love card, it also means that the outcome will be different depending on whether you are obsessed with and not obsessed with the sexual aspect.
16. 탑(THE TOWER)
The realistic, desire-obsessed THE DEVIL card is followed by the THE TOWER tarot card. Excessive greed and desire, trying to share shoulders with God, falls from the Tower of Babel by lightning. Let's learn about the Tower of Change, Escape, and Telephone Virtue Tarot. If you look carefully at the things in the pictures on the tarot cards, it will be of great help in your interpretation. This top card is from the drama Iris. Lee Byung-hun and Kim Tae-hee are walking on the streets of a foreign country, and they see a tarot shop from a tarot card master.
One sheet is the 10th wheel of fate...The other is not seen and the two leave... But as time goes by, the Tarot Master meets Kim Tae-hee and shows him a card he has never seen before and tells Lee Byung-hun that a crisis is coming. That card is the top card. This is not always the case, and it sometimes says good results depending on the situation - for example, a bold change from a failing company... Of course, the interpretation will be different depending on the card that follows it. It is a good idea to be flexible and prepare for the most difficult result among the 78 Tarot cards.
Lightning is falling on the gray tower on the top of the mountain and the crown at the top of the tower is falling and burning. This refers to change from external circumstances. The tower is the Tower of Babel that represents human desires. Such towers are bound to fall.A couple of men and women are falling from the tower. When a crisis comes, you have to empty your mind and escape to live. You can only live by giving up desire. You can say that you can gain freedom by talking from a different perspective. You have to change with the flow to see the future.
If you are not as strong as lightning and become obese, change will be difficult. If you have a disease such as cancer that can die, it is most important not to worry about your health and take care of your health in advance. I'm saying it's not good. You need to organize what you have done so far, take a slow look at it and prepare for it, so that you can overcome the problem wisely~ Then, the tower will not collapse without strength, right? Praying and meditating for your own spiritual world, if you purify yourself, it can be a blessing in disguise.
Symbolicity of Tarot Card Picture
*Top 1, Human Desire, Curse, Power, Conspiracy, Achievements So far
*Lightning - external circumstances
* A person who jumps - a person who has undergone a change due to external circumstances

17. THE STAR Tarot Card
The STAR tarot card means having hope and realizing your dreams. Following THE TOWER tarot card for change and escape, the STAR tarot card appears. Once the greed has fallen, I reflect on myself and try to become a star who wants hope . I am going to learn about THE STAR tarot cards that set dreams and goals and work hard to achieve them for a long time . A star is everyone's lover, has a very big dream and is popular with everyone. Good luck will come, and all your wishes will come true. It's noble and noble, and it's more forward-looking than the past. As you can see from the popular show Super Star K, which became a topic of discussion nationwide, we can't all be stars. However, to become a star, it takes a lot of effort to increase the airspeed ~ just like a duck constantly moving its rake under the water when swimming. A woman is naked and she is pouring water from a red jar in her hands, one in a puddle and one on the ground. Water is the world of the unconscious, the world of ideals, and the earth is the world of consciousness and expresses the world of reality. She is sensitive, pure and romantic. She's also more likely to cry for love she's passionate, flashy and sudden. Instead of being a slave to her desires, her dreams of hope come true through her wisdom, passion and effort. So, for the sake of all of us, let's have the courage to challenge ourselves and our dreams will come true!
A bird is sitting on a tree behind her. This signifies that good news is coming in the future, or that love is suddenly coming. You've probably seen a lot of stars fall into waste and addiction. So you should be careful about this. Don't forget that your dreams and visions come true with your own efforts through hard work.
Tarot Card Illustration Symbolism
*News - news, good news, songs
*Star - stylish, sensitive, visionary
*Big Dipper - direction, indicator
*Nude - Candid
18. THE MOON Tarot Card
After the THE STAR tarot card of hope and goals, the mother tarot card THE MOON follows. If you strive for your dreams and try to understand and embrace others, you will become like a mother. If you look closely at the images and symbols on the cards, you can get a great hint on how to interpret the Tarot cards. In the sky, the moon with many appearances is shining brightly. If the sun represents the father, the moon represents the mother, who is a negative being. My mother has a warm heart and has the receptiveness and tolerance to accept everything unconditionally.
And they change rapidly as they play the roles of wife, mother, daughter-in-law, daughter, etc. He has a very strong vitality, so if he has faith, he can overcome difficulties. He has the ability to empathize with a variety of changes, and he has an attractive and emotional artistry. Inside the full moon, there is also a profile of a person with a closed mouth, and below, a wolf and a dog are looking at the moon. It means that there can be changes in reality as well.
There's a lake next to the wolf and a trail in front of it~ With two big stone buildings standing under the moon, this means you can do two things at once. There is a crayfish on the way up from the lake.The negative world also means desire and anxiety in the heart. But it all depends on your mind. You have to overcome loneliness and temptation in the fight against yourself, and have a special heart for the situation of change. If you purify your anxious mind by illuminating it with the bright light of the moon, which is the night sun, and move forward, you will develop and become more mature.
Symbolism of Tarot Card Picture
* Gauze (Scorpio) - Hard on the outside but soft on the inside.
* Moon - feminine maternal love, change, whim
* Wolves, foxes - wild, can be noisy.
19 THE SUN Tarot Card
Following the tarot card of the tolerant mother's moon (THE MOON), the tarot card of THE SUN, which conveys the energy of bright and vitality, is here. Hae-shim's mother and father, who are driven and spiritual, are a pair. Let's take a look at THE SUN tarot card, which is an active and enterprising father card. Take a good look at the images on the tarot cards to get great hints on how to interpret the tarot cards. A large sun rises in the middle of the sky, giving out bright light to the world evenly. This is the source of all life, and it gives the energy of life by evenly distributing the light to all living things.
The sun creates a mood that is passionate, hopeful, dynamic, enterprising and fun. The sunlight illuminates the world and I know how to express myself well by speaking well because it is straightforward. He is a person who shines among many people. It shows that he is quick-witted and a liberal when it comes to dating. They motivate and challenge themselves with a bright future ahead. A child is naked with a sunflower wreath with red feathers on his head. She sits on a white horse with a long red cloth flag in her one hand, a sign of honesty and innocence, and that she can be hurt just as a large flag can injure a child's hand. There are sunflowers on the wall behind the child. This highlights the presence of bright and positive energy. And they are telling us to be on the lookout for show-offs, arrogance, and ostentation. You can achieve great things by letting go of the selfishness that works only for yourself, being considerate of others, and exercising your creativity by contemplating your work.
Tarot Card Picture Symbolism
* Red - Passion and wanting to be focused.
* Fence - limit
* Horse - enterprising, dynamic and mobile
* sun - bright
* Sunflower - optimistic and more emphasizes the energy of the bright sun

20. Judgment Tarot Card
The next tarot card following THE SUN, the father of vitality, is a JUDGEMENT card that conveys trust and energy to people. Father's sun card, who is a spiritual proprietor, revives and saves many people. I'm going to study the Judgment Card, which is large in scale and plays the role of an angel. lose
An angel with red and purple wings is blowing a trumpet to the world from above the clouds to let people out of the coffin, or to tell them that there is a final judgment. I think it is quite natural that one day the side of justice will win. This card is a card of salvation and trust, meaning that one's ideals and dreams are very large and one day, after some time passes, you will gain freedom. This makes your dreams come true faster.
In the coffins on the water under the angels, naked people rise up and welcome the trumpet. It represents resurrection, salvation and trust, and in this regard, it means not to measure with your head, but to just believe. In other words, you must pray earnestly with the thought of becoming an angel and entrust it to the will of heaven. It takes time to be patient for a long time, and as a result, higher dreams come true and eventually you get freedom. It has a strong sense of group and collective character, so there is a public nature that does not end with the individual.
We need time to overcome the unrealistic aspects and wait because we do not know when the salvation of heaven will come. Then you will succeed on a large scale. Like the 10th and 21st tarot cards, if you go abroad, you can expect good results. You have to be patient with the love side and have to wait, you can have a hard love. It is the meaning of resurrection, so it also represents a reunion after divorce. The result is good when the spiritual and religious codes are correct. It's good if you get married after the marriage is over because you're stubborn and don't trust others.
Symbolism of the Tarot Card Picture
* Angel - Service, sacrifice, preaching, and informing card for others
* Trumpet - News and news - It may be a surprise.
* Cross - hospital, religious life
21. THE WORLD Tarot Card
Following the Judgment Tarot cards of Resurrection and Salvation, THE WORLD cards appear.
This is the last of the 22 major tarot cards. The Judgment Card, which saved many people through resurrection, has now grown to one level and is now complete. You can try to interpret the tarot cards well through the pictures on the world cards.
In a circle made of yellow-green laurel leaves, a naked woman with a baton in both hands is standing as if dancing nicely in a purple cloth. It means that you have given up your greed for a long time, researched and worked hard, and have reached the world of perfection and success. As the word “WORLD” means, it is a card that has a very good meaning if you go abroad. If you deal with foreign goods or go abroad, you are lucky. You have strong pride and you can be the best in what you do.
In the four corners, the faces of people, eagles, cattle, and lions appear in the clouds. These represent drive, leadership, reality, emotions, ideas, and studies. They are well versed in the work of the four elements, so they are versatile and have great potential and talent. It indicates a high probability of success. So, you have the ability to do what you want perfectly.
A circle made of light green laurels indicates that you are stable and that your success can go on forever.It is telling us that we can grow bigger only when we go beyond our own boundaries. This means that once you have completed and succeeded, you must upgrade and start over to achieve greater success , rather than being complacent .
* Human (Aquarius) - Academic
* Eagle - insight, drive
* Taurus - momentum, stability, wealth, trust
* Lion - leadership, charisma
* Advice - If you deviate from the current frame, you will grow bigger.
'VIII. 역학 (Epidemiology) > 3- 타로카드 (Tarot Card)' 카테고리의 다른 글
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