III. 법학 (Law)/미국이민법 (US Immigration Law)

After received Immigration Interview Announcement (이민비자 인터뷰 날짜 잡힌 후 준비할 것) (1/4)

hlee100 2018. 5. 10. 06:05

출처: USA National Visa Center - www.travel.state.gov

1. Interview (인터뷰)

After you have paid the necessary fees and submitted the required immigrant visa application, Affidavit of Support, and supporting documents to the National Visa Center (NVC), they will review your file for completeness. Once your case becomes qualified for an interview, NVC will work with the appropriate U.S. Embassy or Consulate to schedule an appointment for you.

요약: Visa 수수료 비용을 낸 후, NVC(National Visa Center)에 제출한 자료(DS-260, required Docu)를 보고 해당 국가 대사관에 넘긴다.

NVC schedules appointments one month in advance.  The U.S. Embassy or Consulate General tells NVC what dates they are holding interviews, and NVC fills these appointments in a first-in, first-out manner.  Most appointments are set within 60 days of NVC receipt of all requested documentation. However, we cannot predict when an interview appointment will be available.

요약: 보통 자료 제출 후 60일 이내에, 인터뷰 날짜 공지문이 나가며, 이는 보통 인터뷰 1달 전에 공지된다.

An interview appointment letter is sent to you (the applicant), as well as your petitioner (sponsor), and your agent/attorney (if applicable) to notify you and them of the date, time, and location of the interview once the embassy has an appointment available. There may be a wait of several months for an interview date to become available.

요약: 인터뷰 날짜 공지문은 인터뷰 신청자, 페티션, 담당 변호사에게 함께 공지된다.

Supporting documents are sent to the U.S. Embassy or Consulate. Once your interview appointment is scheduled, NVC sends the immigrant visa petition, visa application, and all related forms and documents which were submitted to NVC to the appropriate U.S. Embassy/Consulate.

요약: 인터뷰 일정이 잡히면, NVC는 모든 자료들을 해당 대사관으로 넘긴다.

Important Next Steps

After receiving notification that an interview has been scheduled, it is important that you (and any family members applying to immigrate with you) prepare for the visa interview. Review Interview FAQs. Each visa applicant will need to complete a number of important next steps in advance of the interview date, including (not a complete list):

요약: 인터뷰 일정이 공지되면, 그 때부터 신청자가 준비해야할 것들이 있다.

⦁ Gather original forms and documents - You must bring the required original forms and documents to your immigrant visa interview.

⦁ Schedule and complete a medical examination with the authorized physician(s).

Select Prepare for the Interview above to learn about these important next steps. 


⦁ 원본 자료와 서류들을 모아서 비자 인터뷰 시 지참해야 한다.

⦁ 신체검사를 받고 그 보고서를 인터뷰 시 준비해야 한다.

Important Applicant Notice

Based on U.S. law, not everyone who applies for a visa will be found eligible to come to the United States. There are a number of possible reasons why someone might not qualify for a visa. The circumstances of each case are different. Approved visas generally are not available on the day of interview.

요약:  자격이 안되면 떨어질 수 있으며, 합격했어도 보통 비자는 당일날 발급되지 않는다.

It is important that you do not make arrangements, such as selling your house, car or property, resigning from your job or making non-refundable flight or other travel arrangements until you have received your immigrant visa.

요약: 그러므로 이민비자가 나오기 전까지, 미연에 재산을 정리하거나 일정을 잡지 않아야 한다.

2. Prepare for the Interview (인터뷰 준비)

Important Notices (공지사항)

All applicants - Read the below information carefully. If you do not bring all required documents to your appointment, your case will be delayed. You may need to return to the U.S. Embassy or Consulate at another date and your visa may be delayed or denied.

요약: Required Document 못 가져올 시 Delay되거나 Deny 될 수 있다.

Spouses of U.S. Citizens and Lawful Permanent Residents (IR-1/CR/1 and F2A visas) - You should read the Rights and Protections pamphlet before your visa interview to learn about your rights in the United States relating to domestic violence, sexual assault, and child abuse and protection available to you. The consular officer will verbally summarize the pamphlet to you during your interview.

요약: 배우자 초청으로 오는 경우 Rights & Protections을 알아야 한다.

After NVC schedules your visa interview appointment, they will send you, your petitioner, and your agent/attorney (if applicable) an email or letter noting the appointment date and time.  After you receive an interview appointment letter from NVC, you must take the following steps BEFORE the interview date.

요약: 인터뷰 일정 공지를 받으면 인터뷰 날자 전까지 준비해야할 단계들이 있다.

Step 1: Schedule and Complete a Medical Examination

You (and each family member or “derivative applicant” applying for a visa with you) are required to schedule a medical appointment with an authorized physician in the country where you will be interviewed. You must complete your medical examination, along with any required vaccinations, BEFORE your scheduled visa interview date. This exam must be with an embassy-approved doctor.  Exams conducted by other physicians will not be accepted.

요약: 모든 신청자들은 인터뷰날 전까지 신체검사를 완료해야 한다.

Read embassy-specific instructions and get a list of approved doctors on the Medical Examination page. After your exam, the doctor will either send the exam results directly to the embassy or give you a sealed envelope.  If the doctor gives you an envelope, do not open it.  Instead, bring it to your visa interview and give it to the consular officer.

요약: 신체 검사 후 담당 의사가 직접 대사관으로 결과를 보내거나, 신청자에게 밀봉된 검사결과를 준다. 밀봉된 검사결과를 받을 시, 열어보지 말고 밀봉된 그대로 인터뷰에 가져가 제출해야 한다.

Step 2: Register for Courier Service/Other Pre-Interview Instructions

Many U.S. Embassies and Consulates require visa applicants to pre-register for courier services. This service is for returning applicant passports and visas to them after the interview. Each consular section also has unique entry and security requirements, including whether applicants can bring cell phones into the embassy or consulate. Before your interview, read the specific requirements for where you will be interviewed.

Choose the city where your interview will take place from the List of U.S. Embassies and Consulates to review Embassy/Consulate requirements.

The supplement may contain other requirements specific to the U.S. Embassy or Consulate where your interview will be held, so please read these instructions carefully.

요약: 인터뷰 후 제출한 여권과 비자를 받을 주소를 우편배송 서비스에 등록해야 한다. 해당 대사관마다 가이드라인이 조금씩 다를 수 있으니 해당 대사관의 안내를 참조해야 한다.

Step 3: Gather Documents Required for the Interview

Every visa applicant no matter their age must bring certain documents to the interview, including photographs, the original version of all civil documents submitted to NVC, copies of those documents, and financial documents from the petitioner and any other financial sponsors.  Please review Items Your Must Bring to Your Visa Interview. You must bring the documents on this list even if you submitted a photocopy of them to NVC. 

What happens if you forget to bring something on this list?  The consular officer will not be able to complete the processing of your visa. You will have to gather the missing items and provide them to the embassy and may have to come for additional interviews. Failure to bring all items on the above list can delay visa issuance.

요약: 인터뷰 때 형식에 맞는 증명사진, NVC에 제출한 증명서 서류 원본, NVC에 원본으로 제출한 서류 사본, 재정 보증 서류 등 NVC 제출한 서류의 원본 및 사본들을 가져와야 한다. 이 서류들을 미지참할 시 인터뷰 결과가 지연되거나 거절될 수 있다.

Step 4: Read and View Additional Information

Watch our video, Preparing for Your U.S. Immigrant Video Interview, on YouTube. This instructional video is also available in Spanish, Portuguese, French, Russian, Chinese, Arabic, and Urdu. Read our Interview Preparation Notices and the U.S. Embassy or Consulate website where you will be interviewed for additional information. You can also read our Frequently Asked Questions. Remember, failure to bring all required documents to the interview may cause delay or denial of the visa.

요약: 이민비자 인터뷰 준비를 위해 제작한 유투브 안내 영상을 참조하면 좋다. 또한 FAQ란에서 더 많은 정보를 얻을 수 있다. 필요한 지참서류들을 인터뷰에 가져오지 못할 시, 이민비자 결과가 지연되거나 거절될 수 있다.
